Víctor S. Martín
Usted está aquí >  Investigación



· Asymmetric Synthesis.

· Synthetic Methodology.

· Total Synthesis of Natural Products

· Medicinal Chemistry

Fields of interest:

 · Cyclic Ethers from Marine Origin, including lauroxanes (from red algae) and marine toxins (from dinoflagellate).

· Synthesis of highly Substituted g-lactones.

· Synthesis of Natural and Unnatural a-Amino Acids and Peptides

· Use of Metal in Asymmetric Synthesis.

· Synthesis of Pheromones.

· Cytotoxic compounds

• Instituto Universitario de Bio-Orgánica "Antonio González" •

• Avda. Astrofísico Fco. Sánchez 2. 38206 • La Laguna • Tfno: 922 318 579 • Fax: 922 318 571 • vmartin@ull.es